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Guide to Installing Kodi: Beginners Edition Part 3

Kodi, A Guide for New Users

This next article is going to be an all-in-one guide on how to set up Kodi from where to find it to how to install an add-on. This guide will serve to partner with the theme of creating helpful articles for the everyday, new Kodi user. We will focus on keeping the language understandable and hope this article helps teach you something new. By the end of this article we will have answered the what, where, and how to install Kodi, along with a repository, and an add-on.

You may or may not be aware; however, the community is ever changing especially in the recent 12 months. More and more developers and groups have been shut down, received cease & desist letters, or have grown frustrated by treatment from other community members.  This has made it tougher to find the reliable all-in-one build as your go-to builder could hang it all up.  So our goal is for this guide to help you sit in the driver seat.

Continuing with our series, Part 3 of the guide will now show you how to install Add-ons.

What is an Add-on?

An Add-on for Kodi is exactly what it sounds like; an added program you install onto Kodi.  This can be a program, a music add-on, a video add-on, or a service.


How do you install an add-on in Kodi?

Since you have successfully installed the NaN and Blamo repositories, it’s now time to install the add-ons found with in. For this article we will install the Elysium & Placenta Add-ons respectively.



Since this has been covered earlier in parts 1 & 2 of the guide, we’ll jump ahead here a bit.
  • Select Add-ons in the Home Page.

  • Click on the Open Box Icon.

  • Select Install from repository.


This is where all Repositories are stored that you have installed as well as any that come with the Kodi Krypton. So lets click on noobsandnerds repository to continue.


Not all repositories will have as many Add-ons as shown here. Some will have Video Add-ons only or any other combination of the above. This is added by the Dev based on how large or small he wants his Repo. But for now we’ll deal with Video add-ons, normally found at the bottom. Select to continue.



YIKES ! Yes there are quite a few add-ons available. Because we’re using Elysium for the guide, when you have located it, select it to move on to the next step.


  • Click Install.



Due to there being so many dependencies that need to install, the installation process therefore may take longer than expected. Be patient, you’ve waited this long so a bit more is easy to do. As each requirement is installed, you will see the progress in the top right corner. This will be followed with notification that Elysium is installed.

Congratulations ! you’ve just installed the Elysium Add-on.

Here is a helpful Blog on how to create a API key code, a must if you wish to use Elysium.



In this final area of the guide, we will direct you to the Placenta Add-on found in the Blamo Repository. Since installing this add-on is done the same way as Elysium, we’ll skip how to get there and go directly to the Install from repository.


Once you have opened the Repository, click on Blamo repo.



While it seems like it’s the same as Elysium, there are a few minor differences. Again this is up to the individual Developer.  Please click on Video add-ons to continue with the guide.



The Blamo repo is much simpler and easier to scroll thru as you can see by the photo above. Select Placenta to install. You may return later and install any of the other add-ons shown. Death Streams is a new fork of the old addon SALTS (stream all the sources) If you wish to install this, please feel free to use the Configuration guide found here.



Select Install.



Finally, the last step of all 3 parts of the guide. Unlike Elysium, placenta installed rather quickly. So fast in fact I didn’t have time to capture a screen. But as you can see by the check mark beside Placenta, the installation was indeed a success.


In Conclusion

The intent of this Blog was to provide a means for Beginners to understand how to install Kodi step by step from the initial install thru to how to install repos and add-ons. I have to admit it took on a life of it’s own and it became clear early on it could not be done in one blog.

This could not have been done with out the help of Shanks, with out his direction and help this guide never would have been completed. Thanks my Brotha !

Once again, we have thought about the new comer to Kodi. Along with our other blogs we hope to continue to provide a site where no matter what your experience is with Kodi, there’s always room to learn something new.


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