Kodi Upgrade Notification VERB Raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components. NOUN An act of upgrading something. 1.‘a room upgrade from a twin to a duplex suite’ 1.1 An improved or more modern version of something, especially a piece of computing equipment. You have just installed Kodi or a Fork of Kodi for the first time, why are you receiving these notifications about an upgrade? “I don’t want to upgrade yet” you say ! “I want to understand this version better first”. Because Kodi wants you to always upgrade to the best version available, you will see that annoying message appear shortly after starting. As a beginner to Kodi trying to understand how to use it and where to go can be challenging at best. Should I press this? what happens if I don’t? What is this notification on my screen? Well, here’s another installment of our continuing s...